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lewger t1_j5xmq1l wrote

Did you really type that? The flag adopted in 1901 is a pro genocide symbol of the aboriginal genocide that started in 1788.


magicsonar t1_j5xoitg wrote

From a First Nations perspective, it probably is. Genocide didn't end in 1901. There were at least 240 documented frontier massacres over a 140 year period, starting in 1794, as part of a state-sanctioned and organised attempt to eradicate Aboriginal people. Government forces were actively engaged in frontier massacres until at least the late 1920s. And then we have of course forced removals of Aboriginal children, which is considered a part of cultural genocide, which continued up until the 1970's. Linguist Arthur Capell wrote in 1964: "Government policy looks forward to the loss of Aboriginal languages so that the Aborigines may be 'assimilated'. So yeah, sadly from a First Nations perspective, the Australian flag would represent a state that was engaged in organised genocide.


lewger t1_j5y54vl wrote

It's not a direct symbol of genocide and to compare it to the Russian's wearing Z's shows you are not arguing in good faith. If you want to keep posting drivel comparing the two I'm sure you can find a better audience in r/russia