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britboy4321 t1_j5yx5qm wrote


Taser9001 t1_j5z9b8v wrote

Freedom of speech is not the same as being free to be a piece of shit. Lawful authorities and governments have a duty to prohibit speech that is hateful, prejudiced and/or incites harassment/violence. Y'all need to stop using the free speech card to excuse yourselves from being assholes.


britboy4321 t1_j5zaqsv wrote

Of course freedom of speech is the same as being free to be a piece of shit. That's the entire point. Otherwise the authorities can define 'being a piece of shit' as whatever they want. For example as 'Slagging off the government'.

'Freedom of speech as long as it's the speech you like'. Jees - really?


Taser9001 t1_j60qjz3 wrote

Yes, governments are capable of abusing it, and some do abuse it (ironically, Russia is one of the most corrupt and abusive governments on this front right now), but surely it is also the responsibility of authorities and governments to protect their citizens? If people are going to go round spouting stuff that promotes needless war and invasion, things that are costing thousands upon thousands of lives, why should they be allowed to do that? To say otherwise is to excuse racists, misogynists, transphobes, homophobes, nazis, Putin supporters, etc, and that is simply not acceptable.


britboy4321 t1_j60zpkq wrote

It's a question of where to draw the line.

Whilst I know this isn't the story ..

Should I be allowed to go and stand in silence, donning a huge Russian flag and carrying a placard that says 'Ukraine has always been part of Russia'?

I'd argue that in a free country that should be acceptable. Otherwise, slippery slope and all that.


hellochristopher t1_j636df7 wrote

Every single country has laws to do with speech true freedom is a hell


Aelig_ t1_j67nc6n wrote

Is the Australian open a government?

If not, freedom of speech doesn't apply. Besides, Russia is a terror state and supporting terrorism doesn't fall under freedom of speech. They're lucky if they are simply asked to leave.


britboy4321 t1_j67q29p wrote

Yes, it's a government.


Aelig_ t1_j67uthr wrote

Care to share the constitution establishing the Australian open as a state?


britboy4321 t1_j6aa91e wrote

The UK is a state and doesn't have a constitution. Nor does the Open.


Aelig_ t1_j6ah6z6 wrote

The UK has a constitution. It's not all written in a single document but it does have a constitution and a supreme court with the specific job to uphold this constitution.