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Mikimao t1_j68ptzb wrote

Thanks~ Not every day there is a figure skating post on reddit, and as a lifer in that sport, it's always fun to chime in here.


minneapple79 t1_j693x88 wrote

You should check out r/figureskating


Mikimao t1_j69q0uz wrote

I've been to it, but I don't really like posting there regularly. I actually left the sub some time ago.

I've been involved with the sport, as a competitor or a coach for over 30 years now. It's more fun for me to talk about skating when it breaks a threshold like being on sports, than I actually to spend time in skating spaces, if that makes sense... I've spent my entire life in skating spaces, and I will have repeats of every convo that happens in that sub, but in real life also.


Poopaccountijustmade t1_j69smzs wrote

Sometimes it’s better to explain and expand the brand. I coached summer track(was decent, not putting my experiences on yours). Sometimes it becomes talking over people instead of talking about the sport. Not trying to put words in your mouth, just talking about my experience. Sorry for jacking the thread.