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Tiffana t1_j6h7qgn wrote

Nope, the resin alone would take him time getting used to.. that and the sheer physicality of the sport. It’s not like basketball in that regard. He definitely has the build and athleticism for it, though


InvincibleJellyfish t1_j6i7s90 wrote

For his height, he's a bit skinny. He would struggle playing defence, and in the offense he would get shut down and have to rely on his height to score from a distance.


Tiffana t1_j6idk1n wrote

No, he’s not. He’s 110-113kg based on a cursory Google search, but that puts him on the level of larger pivots. That’s not skinny at all


InvincibleJellyfish t1_j6igatg wrote

This guy is pretty big. Probably the heaviest pivot to reach the quarter finals. However size isn't everything. Magnus Saugstrup is one of the best pivots, and probably one of the best defensive players, and he's "only" 197 cm 101 kg.


Tiffana t1_j6jgl8g wrote

Yeah, you can also look at the French pivots, Fabregas (198 cm, 101 kg) and Tournat (200cm, 115 kg). And that’s pivots, no way Lebron would be playing that position


InvincibleJellyfish t1_j6jh6c1 wrote

You're right. He'd be on the bench, lol. Or maybe a winger.


Tiffana t1_j6ji5nf wrote

I’m just talking about build here


InvincibleJellyfish t1_j6jvpar wrote

Considering that (arguably) the best backs currently are the relatively small and nimble Gidsel and Pytlick, I'd say there is no clear advantage to being Lebrons height considering how Handball at the highest level is played at the moment.

Maybe he could use his speed as a winger. Probably the only position he could play.