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BataMahn3 t1_j7376o7 wrote


ifollowmyself t1_j73xcj0 wrote

You specifically stated 'cellphone use', yet the map you supplied refers to texting while driving laws. Those states not in red allow cell phone use other than texting while driving.


BataMahn3 t1_j74bhhz wrote

So you're saying that texting isn't cell phone use? Just stop bud, give it up lol


ifollowmyself t1_j761xmm wrote

Texting is cell phone use, but not all cell phone use is texting. That's what you originally cited. You can be charged with texting and driving in Missouri if you cause an accident.


BataMahn3 t1_j7702bh wrote

Distracted driving is distracted driving and it's all marked the same on your ticket when you get one, whether you were texting, redditing, or whatever. Mind you, you don't need to cause an accident to get a ticket for that, just like you don't have to cause an accident if you're speeding to get a ticket. At this point I feel like you're purposely not understanding. Is that what you're doing? Do you need someone to talk to?

Edit: and to my original point, Missouri is only one of two states that legally allow you to be distracted behind the wheel and it make Missourians worse drivers. With your own numbers, if there's 5 drivers standing in front of me, the 2nd worst driver there is a missourian (20 out of 50).


ifollowmyself t1_j78ie2q wrote

>you don't need to cause an accident to get a ticket for that

But your whole argument is that Missouri doesn't have laws for this. If you can be ticketed for using a phone, not just texting, and not causing an accident; then it would seem Missouri does have laws for this..

The graph you link refered specifically to texting while driving, nothing else; you keep changing the goalpost from texting, to all phone use, to distracted driving.

We're in the 4% for distraction, yet in the 40% for accidents. Means we're 10x better drivers than we statistically should be despite being distracted. See, I can use mashed up statistics to fit my narrative to.


BataMahn3 t1_j78trrb wrote

No, dingleberry, my point is that Missourians are generally bad drivers and your stat backs that up. Its literally legal to use the phone behind the wheel in missouri, which can and does lead to more accidents. Anywhere else in the union and you'd get a ticket for driving while distracted. You being butthurt because 'muh statehood' changes nothing. You have no argument other than "nu-uh!" Acting like a simplified fraction is "mashed up stats" to fit my "narrative" only says more about you and the public education system, than it does about my "narrative". Pretending that texting\any cellphone use isn't distracted driving makes me wonder what you classify distracted driving as, not that I care. Let me put it another way, out of 5 tiers for being a shit driver, Missourians are tier 2, with tier 1 being the worst. Get it? The laws that prohibit distracted driving of any kind in MO apply to texting and under 21s, which is a weak law at best. I have no idea how many fatalities you've scraped off the road, but I have more than my fair share, and a very healthy portion of them were people too busy fucking with their phone, their dog, their hair, etc. If you are honestly okay with you and your family being next to people who are distracted driving because "we're 10x better drivers than we should be" is your standard, by all means, live in a dangerous shithole. But I think the rest of us are interested in making it to the destination were going.


ifollowmyself t1_j7b47mn wrote

I never got butthurt over 'muh statehood', and never had to resort to insults. Missouri could be better, but it's not the hellhole you make it out to be. Go gaslight someone else you tool. Welcome to Reddit, you belong here.