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getagripgirly t1_j7gw599 wrote

being a witness to this entire scenario and apart of the staff, i have to say that the way this was blown out of proportion through our reviews is absolute chaos. the kid was screaming on his way out of the theater too, and it was the older one, not even the child with down syndrome. our manager was extremely respectful with her attitude towards the lady and didn’t even raise her voice. when she initially walked in to escort them out, the lady had her blanket over the kids head and was on her phone. big letters on the screen at the beginning “zero tolerance phone policy” if you break it, that’s your warning lol. we do have courtesy warnings sometimes with minimal distractions but the fact that this lady had multiple complaints about her child screaming randomly and making obnoxious noises, then was on her phone when our manager came in to get her… just mind blowing.