Submitted by Anima_EB t3_111xuus in springfieldMO

Hey guys. I'll try to make this short. I need two surgeries they can be performed at the same time. However insurance covers one but not the other. I've been trying to get information from Cox for 3 weeks about plans but nobody calls back. Anybody have experience with self pay for Cox or their plans. Are there any resources to help out there? Is it possible to have them done at once with one being self pay? Thanks in advance!



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BasicallyHummus t1_j8hriln wrote

I just started at Cox working as a surgery scheduler a few months ago, so while I don’t know everything I will try to pass along what I know. Bear in mind I only schedule procedures, I do not work with insurance or take payment ever, but I do work directly with those who do.

Cox does offer a self pay option for pts, and this option I believe comes with a heft discount (I believe somewhere in the 30%-50% off range. ), however if you are selfpay by choice (meaning you have insurance, but it won’t cover this procedure so you want to be selfpay for this one moment) that voids any discounts that were offered.

Additionally I have not heard of a case yet where a combo surgery had one approved procedure and one denied procedure. I would imagine they would not want to proceed like this and would prefer everything to be approved before starting surgery.

I would recommend maybe calling one or both of the offices that have planned these surgeries and try to speak to a Financial Advisor if they have one in office (some work in my clinic, I’m not sure if they work in every clinic). If that doesn’t work the only resource I can give that would be reliable would be to call their pre-admission department. They might be able to help, or might be able to give you a connection that could do more for you. Their phone number is 417-269-6791.


Anima_EB OP t1_j8jzp5f wrote

I do think it's kind of unfortunate if you're trying to pay for something insurance doesn't cover you don't get any discount. So basically you're worse off with insurance. Not your fault or anything but for Cox as a whole that's terrible.


BasicallyHummus t1_j8kg56r wrote

Yeah, it did seem fishy to me when I learned of that. There’s always a very niche case or two they can use to “justify” it, and other people buy that, but still


Fun-Chicken-7191 t1_j8ii48q wrote

Do you work in central scheduling? I used to work there


BasicallyHummus t1_j8ikgs0 wrote

I schedule in one of the clinics at south. I work with central scheduling, but my office is located at the clinic and I report directly to my clinic manager and physicians that I schedule for.


Fun-Chicken-7191 t1_j8j12af wrote

Yes that’s where I worked it was across the street. Is that where you are? Can I send you a dm?


Ed_the_time_traveler t1_j8icvy2 wrote

Do you guys still offer predatory loans to pay for surgeries when you're scheduling patents? You work for a soulless corporation that exists to rob us blind while extorting us by holding our lives and wellbeing behind a hefty paywall. Hope you can sleep at night.


BasicallyHummus t1_j8ifrr9 wrote

I’m really glad you learned how to read and comprehend the English language in school. If you did, you would see right in that little box that I said I don’t handle anything that involves taking payments or handling insurance.

Thank you for your hateful comment, it was really worth everyone’s time.


Ed_the_time_traveler t1_j8j1y0l wrote

Meh, I don't care which part of the beast you work for. You're still a part of the machine that grinds us down. In for a penny, in for a pound. You might be a "good person" but you work for bad people who just view us as cattle and hold our wellbeing behind a hefty paywall. This stink in turn, rubs off on you. You work for the problem therefore you're part of the problem. Again, I hope you sleep well at night knowing this.


djdbwbwjjrjdjnd t1_j8j37iy wrote

Are you willing to share your employer so we can see what a ethical corporation looks like?


Ed_the_time_traveler t1_j8j5mi3 wrote

ITT, a bunch of cox/mercy employees who are going to white knight the profession to make themselves feel better about their part in ruining peoples lives and letting people die if they don't have enough money saved up.

Also, I'm freelance baby, I don't work for anyone other than myself. I'm ethical AF.


djdbwbwjjrjdjnd t1_j8j82z7 wrote

Sorry, we are all out here trying to do the best we can. Not everyone is privileged enough to be freelance, but I'm happy that you are. I'm sure as a freelancer you are very careful to only work with companies who extol your values. If there's a way for folks like us to earn an income without being complicit in any unethical activities I would love to know. Please redirect your anger toward the CEOs and politicians rather than the patient schedulers who are trying to make ends meet.