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Intrepid-Week9193 t1_j9338mm wrote

i think on the contrary that old people prove to be very fragile and stubborn people especially the midwestern population. they're resilient in their beliefs.

but to say to yourself, it is what it is, or "the grass isn't always greener on the other side" is to sell yourself short on what life actually has to offer. to have lived in one place your entire life is the definition of sheltered and insulated. you'd have to be resilient to let yourself live that way. i met iraqis who were the same way. it's why they didn't leave the country. 'family lived here for thousands of years'. sure, see how that worked out for them now too.

i couldn't do that to myself or my family.


[deleted] t1_j933jmo wrote



Intrepid-Week9193 t1_j94jlfm wrote

even if you were unfortunate enough to be in the army with their notoriously shitty duty stations you know that's a patent lie come on now!

i'll put any of your shittiest duty stations up against mine(fort polk, LA hah!) and springfield and you gotta tell me why springfield is preferable.

if you told me i had to check-out and go back home to springfield from fort polk, i'd probably actually cry. i don't know anybody that chose to live there longer than a few years.