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the_honeyman t1_j9ti26n wrote

SPD hates them because they're bigoted pieces of shit. Go talk to literally anybody who's skin is darker than yours about which cars make them more worried.

Lmao I'm blocked now. Aw shucks. Gotta love when the people who call others snowflakes loudest melt at the slightest hint of confrontation.


FriendshipIntrepid91 t1_j9trjho wrote

Are you implying that the county arrests minorities at a higher rate than the city?


EcoAffinity t1_j9ts5fw wrote

That's a leap lol. They said ask minorities which car makes them more worried. Being pulled over or treated in a certain manner doesn't get captured in arrest numbers.

I'm sure you were going to try to pull arrest numbers and demographics from the county, but dwb is a bit more nuanced than that.