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malevolentk t1_ja22tgj wrote

Ah -

Buts my understanding she does not identify as a minority nor is she a practicing Muslim


armenia4ever t1_ja3q03y wrote

Doesn't matter. You're from the UK, one doesn't just shed being a muslin. It's not just a religion, it's a culture. (With various types of it depending on the region)

Muslin upbringing deeply shapes your worldview and one doesn't just turn on or off how they were raised by their families and their traditions and cultures. I'm not saying this a pejorative either.

That only happens in the West, and even then...


malevolentk t1_ja3rmx9 wrote

I am not from the UK - my family has lived in this country for almost 400 years

She went to an American School in Iran - participated in a Christmas play as a child - and had to leave the country after the Islamic Revolution because her father worked for the previous government

Most Muslims aren’t the sort of religious zealots typically portrayed in our country - just like most Christians arent the White Christian Nationalists trying to become the American version of the Taliban

Do you even research the folks in office?


malevolentk t1_ja3rzxv wrote

My husband is from the UK though - maybe if you are going to peruse someone’s posts before replying to them you should read more than the subs they are a part of


armenia4ever t1_ja3saw1 wrote

Usually I don't see aside the time for that and do a quick glance through, but fair point.