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t1_jai5u6o wrote

The Judge went easy on her. 75 months when the sentencing guidelines bottom out at 87. It must be good to be an old white republican. He gave her a light sentence even though he found no contrition.


OP t1_jai9blo wrote

>It must be good to be an old white republican

It should be noted that the Republican party in the Missouri House attempted to push her out immediately after charges were levied. Credit where credit is due. She eventually resigned after she was convicted.


t1_jaie0db wrote

Actually, she was sentenced by an Obama appointed federal judge.


t1_jaj2flg wrote

Not only that, he’s an African American Obama appointed judge. Like you can’t get anymore opposite than Tricia Derges than that…


t1_jaiftwf wrote

Which means absolutely nothing. Unless you think that a center-right president who would have fit right in with the republican party of Eisenhower somehow appoints only Judges who do not give out light sentences to white collar criminals who fit the specific pattern as shown here unless they really really super deserve to get of lightly?


t1_jaii4oz wrote

Dude, give it up. You tried to imply she got a sweet deal because she was a GOP rep. You were wrong.


t1_jaj8o33 wrote

Nope, I pointed out that Old, White, Republicans tend to get light sentences. This is across the board regardless of who appoints the judge or if a jury is doing the sentencing. Thus it is nice to be one when you crime.


t1_jai7bv0 wrote

75 months a light sentence? Drunk drivers who kill people get less than that. I'm sure her party affiliation made all the difference. Not.


t1_jai8quu wrote

Drunk Drivers fall under state law which has different sentencing guidelines, this was a federal case. Her guidelines as a first time offender was a minimum of 87 months to 105 max for the crimes she is guilty of. For fraud cases a large part of the guidelines comes from the amount stolen. The more you steal the longer time you are supposed to do.


t1_jaih1qz wrote

I'm well aware that drunk drivers fall under state law and they have different sentencing guidelines. I was merely pointing out that this is not really a light sentence as you claim. And it really just wanted to get down. Voted a lot because that seems to be the norm for the Springfield subscribers.
