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the_honeyman t1_jbp57gd wrote

And you're a great prick, it seems.


[deleted] OP t1_jbp667f wrote

I'm not the one using my friends terrible experience as some anecdote to win an argument with someone online for the sole purpose of stroking my ego, so I'd say we're about even.


the_honeyman t1_jbp714a wrote


No, you're the one trying to say my friends didn't get roofied and just drank too much. Who the fuck cares about "winning" arguments with such a clown take? You're just mad people see your nonsense for what it is.

You made a claim, I refuted it, with examples. That's how discourse works. Don't get your panties in a wad because people saw through your feeble attempt to make yourself look better.


[deleted] OP t1_jbp8bz1 wrote

>No, you're the one trying to say my friends didn't get roofied and just drank too much.

Please show me where I said this, or even implied it. Now you'll probably call me a concern troll for asking questions, because that is what you've been programmed to do from living in these bubbles this entire time.

So now you're accusing me of something I didn't do, to escalate the argument, to try and keep your high moral position to win the argument. You just keep fucking goin, as if you aren't motivated to just lash out like I am.

So why don't we just say to each other, "Fuck you and everything you care about." and just move on, ok?

Stop pretending this is something it's not, or that it's productive or that you're doing anything other than masturbating yourself.


the_honeyman t1_jbp9epg wrote

You implied it in the entire second half of your comment, but fair enough.

Fuck you and your victim blaming bullshit.