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Ready_Improvement_21 t1_je6rj3b wrote

Reply to comment by Maxwyfe in Surgery options by Anima_EB

It was figured by Mercy. I haven't received any documents from my insurance yet, but what Mercy sent me was their estimate of what would be due after insurance.


Maxwyfe t1_je6ruox wrote

I just can't imagine another business model, besides the mafia, where you just have to pay arbitrary amounts of money to some third party in order not to die.


robzilla71173 t1_je6w8lz wrote

lol, truth. I had a couple of surgeries through Mercy last year and it all started with an ER visit. We were at a rural ER in Aurora and I kid you not, the door was locked to keep me from leaving until I paid them $1040, and an armed guard was sitting by the checkout lady. I felt like I was being muscled for cash. I handed them my credit card through the window, she ran it, then signaled to buzz the door open. I honestly felt like it was a mob run thing.


Maxwyfe t1_je6wefq wrote

What the shit?! They can’t do that!