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mysickfix OP t1_jdhos4s wrote

If they could legit prove it, I would go to church. But this just weeds out the smart people, then no one asks about where all the money goes.


goldencrisp t1_jdhqa75 wrote

I’d totally rejoin the faith if this was legit. But how they’re handling it just highlights why people don’t like or believe them.


chey_chey888 t1_jdizlsd wrote

Personally as someone who grew up in the church and has stepped away but still believes in God it would do the complete opposite to me....I wouldn't want to believe in a God who let's children get sex trafficked but is out here regrowing random toes


randomname10131013 t1_jditvls wrote

Are you shitting me? If this were true… I would devote my life to God. Somebody that I don't think exist.