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RollOutTheGuillotine t1_jdsrnkk wrote

This happens relatively often here, unfortunately. There is a group of Proud Boys in town and there's a known KKK group in the Branson area. And then there's Blue Eye. Pretty much a sundown town. There are the 417 Honkeys, too, but they tend to be less threatening in terms of white supremacy and more threatening in terms of being absolute tweakers.


Globalksp t1_jdt5z9f wrote

Prior to moving to Springfield, we spent a few months right-before-the-2020 election in Blue Eye. It was… unkind.


RollOutTheGuillotine t1_jdt9jp7 wrote

Good lord, I am so sorry. I can only imagine how hostile it must have been.


Globalksp t1_jdt9rxf wrote

We kept to ourselves, but we had our Cali plates on the car. Gas station visits were… tense. There was a 1:10 (?) scale replica of the Statue of Liberty in the development where we were. It was… ironic.