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Always_0421 t1_jdt8ij6 wrote

>It's weird how Nazi level anti semitism has just became the norm for conservatives.

Idk if you live in a social media bubble, are just ignorant, or are intentionally trying to vilify an entire section of people for whatever reason, but damn, thats some ignorant bullshit.

Complete bullshit.

Does it happen? Unfortunatley, yes; there are always extremist and idiots regardless of political affilitation. But saying it's the norm is the same as saying liberals spreading the ideals of anarchy is "the norm."

As a person born and raised in South-west MO, who's entire family, and most of my closest friends are conservative, who works exclusively in rural communities, I have never had someone approach me with anti Semitism or say anything disparaging about Jewish people...not once. Not stammering drunk, not pissed off at political shenanigans, not on their worse day.

I've seen a nazi flag before displayed by an ignorant piece of shit, but thats hardly "the norm", even in the most hardcore conservatives I know. (It was "SS Bolts" on the back of a motorcycle)


Jack_Krauser t1_jdxwo8w wrote

The extremist liberals that call for anarchy don't get elected to Congress.


Always_0421 t1_jdyj9va wrote

Thete are 435 comgressional districts across the US; 222 are Republicans. I'm not sure who specifically you're referring to, but of want to count even 4 as antisemitism, thats less than 2%, hardly a "norm".

If you would consider that the norm of the republican party, you must too consider antisemitism and violence the norm of the left.

But you and i both know It isn't.

As much as the media and many politicians want us to paint each other as the irrational enemy, that just isn't true.