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my_monkeys_fly t1_jduhij5 wrote

Honey, they've done this since the 70s and 80s around here. Every few years they get a bee in their butt crack. Don't be alarmed or let the fear mongers make you afraid.

But, I also got called a transphobe for telling someone to not be afraid of missouri... so take it for what you will. I still say just live your life.


budtoast t1_jdv2uz6 wrote

I think the issue is the anti trans bills being pushed by Missouri. That is no reason to call someone a transphobe if that’s what you were called. Unless you intentionally misgendered someone or expressed distaste or hatred towards trans people.

Missouri is a fine place to live. I’ve seen worse places. But it also isn’t even on the top 20 states for trans people to live right now. We could go to any number of those and it would be better but we can’t afford that. We are stuck here. Where we can find a large amount of political rice bags on the street. I don’t think it is good or bad. Could be worse, could be better.

Edit: Also I’m not afraid because of fear mongering, though I do sometimes wish that were the case. No, the fear mongering is happening through the people calling trans people and drag queens predators. I’m afraid because of bills being pushed that want to limit my freedoms, not because of claims that an entire group of people are hurting children. I have been physically attacked because of these beliefs. My fears are reasonable.


my_monkeys_fly t1_jdv3bwn wrote

And I agree. I keep telling people to just bide their time, and in 10 years things will be very different. I just hate seeing people borrow trouble before they absolutely have to, and maybe it seems I'm being glib. But, I'm a natural worrier, and it's no way to live.


budtoast t1_jdv3ts4 wrote

I know that. I think there are things you shouldn’t baselessly worry about, and there are things that make sense. Considering I have experienced violence for my appearance and my girlfriend’s appearance before in a town not far from here, we are a bit cautious. I mean, the guy who hurt us had a sw-stika tattoo.

If it has happened before it can absolutely happen again. Once I started having issues with my health again and we moved here we haven’t seen too many scary things. We’ve heard of some people getting shot or violence outside of places like Martha’s. But beyond that, we’re just hoping that this town is an improvement from where we used to live. If we get attacked again, I may not be able to move like last time, and I could get hurt badly.

Essentially, I am not fear mongered. I’m afraid of those who are


my_monkeys_fly t1_jdv49v4 wrote

I've lived here my entire 51 years, and have known people of all varieties ( the only way I can think of to encompass all the beautiful types of folks). Let me tell you, we have our assholes, but most of the beautiful people are just here living their lives. I don't speak fo4 the rest of MO, but I promise you. Anyone ever tries to hurt you, you come right back here and message me. I'll go granny redneck on em for ya. Deal?


budtoast t1_jdv4n6z wrote

Thank you. I’ll take that deal but I can’t guarantee things will work out. I’m hoping to go outside more often during the summer so I suspect that will potentially bring problems with it. The worst we’ve experienced here was HEAVYY staring in Hobby Lobby and people obviously whispering about us. So I’ll take that any day over outright violence.


my_monkeys_fly t1_jdv50e2 wrote

Hobby lobby is corrupt and overpriced anyway. Go to joann.


budtoast t1_jdv56mp wrote

You’re totally right. We couldn’t find that specific item anywhere else, but we swore to never go back there because it was so uncomfortable and overpriced lol. Plus they no longer do that 40% off deal thing. (it was the ONLY art store where I used to live so I used that coupon all the time)