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armenia4ever t1_je7tgsj wrote

A diversity of choice in what you participate in while already paying the taxes to support that is a problem? I dont understand how anything is held ransom. The taxes are being paid no matter what.

Im trying to give the against argument here a real fair shot, but often it seems peoples main issue boils down to specific religious grievances with it. Assuming there's no religious influence on the homeschooler, what's the issue if they play for the school soccer team?

It just seems deliberately mean spirited and spiteful to try to prevent them from doing so.

The savings to the state and federal budgets by homeschooling seem like a drop in the bucket compared to letting homeschooled kids participate in school activities, extracurriculars, sports, etc.

"Taxpayers spend an average of $15,240 per pupil annually in public schools, plus capital expenditures (National Education Association, 2021). The roughly 3.7 million homeschool students of 2020-21 represented a savings of over $56 billion for taxpayers. This is $56 billion that American taxpayers did not have to spend.c


Doubleucommadj OP t1_je7utml wrote

Where have I mentioned religion? 🤦 If you want folk to engage with society, WELP, guess you gotta engage on society's terms.