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t1_jeef4xn wrote

It is an easy airport, however, it’s more expensive and you always have a layover compared to a bigger city like KC or STL.


t1_jeej3o8 wrote

Yes, true. Small airports always have that problem - smaller planes, always a layover, and the tickets tend to cost more. What I meant though was that it has a lot of upsides - there are never long lines, you can park literally across the street from the front door, it’s clean and modern. That and not having to drive three hours to STL or KC is also a huge plus and can definitely be worth the money.


t1_jeexgwr wrote

Sometimes, but not always. I've had many flights with fares that were within $10-15 of flying out of a larger airport.


t1_jegyo07 wrote

I guess it just depends on where you’re going. We mostly travel out west and the prices aren’t too bad to go to CA but always have a layover in Dallas. We’re saving a few hundred dollars a ticket by flying to the PNW via STL. So that was worth it to us. We also don’t live in Springfield so the drive won’t be too bad.