Submitted by katdanielle t3_11teio9 in springfieldMO

I’m looking for different places to hike other than the basics off AllTrails. I’ve been to the Albino Farm already. I just want to see something cool/new without getting shot for trespassing lol.



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PM_YOUR_PUPPERS t1_jciqrjt wrote

I wouldn't trust anything not on all trails, but if your looking for something different there's several wilderness areas around here you can roam without trespassing.

Just make sure you take proper safety precautions.


Artistic_Theory7697 t1_jciveac wrote

It's not "hiking" but the downtown tunnels are great urban exploring. Starts or ends near main and olive (bring a flashlight and a friend).


Jimithyashford t1_jcj1czf wrote

I’ve hiked/explored just about everything in a 2 hour radius. What are you looking for? Are you looking for more of an Urbex kinda thing? More of a deep wilderness kind of thing?


Tiny_Fly_7397 t1_jcjt52r wrote

Man it’s been like 10 years so I don’t know if the community is even active anymore but I feel like I discovered some neat spots while geocaching in the area. Just watch out for cops; people around here love to call 911 when they see people existing outdoors


houndawg51 t1_jcli2ki wrote

Have you hiked the Piney Creek Wilderness. It’s not for the timid but it’s a great hike. As a bonus you may find a Bald Eagle’s nest.


robzilla71173 t1_jcm36rn wrote

There's all kinds of stuff around. If you have a couple hours for the drive, the upper Buffalo River wilderness past Harrison is amazing and has a lifetime full of things to explore. If you're rushed for time, I like the local conservation areas. Sac Woods, Pleasant Hope, Compton Hollow, those are all within about twenty minutes of town and never very crowded. I personally spend a lot of time at Stockton Lake. They have regular hiking trails, but they also have miles of rocky shoreline and bluffs to explore and lots of good canoeing and kayaking.


Jimithyashford t1_jcnv2vo wrote

All the urbex your heart desires: Cairo Illinois. It’s a half day drive, so you’ll probably want to and stay overnight to get a full day. Send me a DM and I can also direct you to a dozen local wild caves on public land.


sixelaaa0 t1_jcy9a5l wrote

roaring river is about 1.5 hours away but it's a great weekend hiking spot, just try not to stay in cassville if you can avoid it. fire tower is a really fun and not too trafficy area.