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mm201201 t1_jcwgbk5 wrote

Musician and songwriter Wayne Carson called Springfield home for a length of time.

Country musician Porter Wagner was from West Plains which is almost in the neighborhood.

I'd bet that a look through the history of Ozarks Jubilee on radio station KWTO would yield a lot of information on musicians from this area.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_jcwgcw4 wrote

Wayne Carson

>Wayne Carson (born Wayne Carson Head; May 31, 1943 – July 20, 2015), sometimes credited as Wayne Carson Thompson, was an American country musician, songwriter, and record producer. He played percussion, piano, guitar, and bass. His most famous songs as a writer include "The Letter", "Neon Rainbow", "Soul Deep", and "Always on My Mind" (written with Mark James and Johnny Christopher).

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