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t1_jd0munm wrote

Dude if the place you came from is so bad you have to claim people from other places it's cool. I'm not from Oklahoma.


t1_jd0ozf9 wrote

What the hell are you talking about lol I don’t have to claim anything , it’s a fact that yes he was born in Oklahoma and lived there for a short time but grew up here. Hence why his family still lives here, so what’s your problem


t1_jd0rapj wrote

The thread said he is from Springfield MO I'm pretty slow but I think you are trying to sell me on that.


t1_jd0rmm0 wrote

I think you ARE pretty slow because that’s exactly what I’m saying… he’s from Springfield. It’s not hard to do a quick Google search 😂 Google literally says “ born in Oklahoma raised in Springfield, MO” … I don’t need to sell you on anything because I could care less what you think, but you’re obviously crazy lol


t1_jd0xjyx wrote

I actually just searched where is Brad Pitt from. Let me know what the first thing that comes up is


t1_jd0ypml wrote

Wow you are DENSE! Lol I literally said, Google says , born in Oklahoma and raised in Missouri 😂😂😂😂 Seek help


t1_jd11qgg wrote

It literally said Brad Pitt is from Springfield. Look at what you posted on


t1_jd12cf7 wrote

Omg no shit lol that’s what I’m literally saying 😂😂. So I was right!


t1_jd12ruv wrote

I'm done with stupid. Look at a Brad Pitt interview when they ask where he is from


t1_jd137yq wrote

Obviously you’re the fucking stupid one, you started out saying he was from Oklahoma now you’re saying Springfield 😂😂😂 is it Meth you’re smoking??? I don’t care what interviews you say you watched, he was raised here and his family is STILLLL here in Springfield. Now stop replying to me and go seek treatment


t1_jd13dqo wrote

Dude the original post said he was from Springfield I replied he's not and he's from Oklahoma. When you are finished with your mom let me get a shot.