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CloudofAmethyst t1_jdcssil wrote

I love that there is a God so loving and caring that he will grow back three toes that weren't impacting anyone's longevity or health, but there will be so many children who will die of preventable disease. I love how mysterious the ways of the Lord are. Keeps me on my...toes


crw201 t1_jddp2ph wrote

Who cares that there's homeless children in Springfield? This woman can stand on her tip toes now! God has priorities.


VaderTower t1_jdgj5rg wrote

Well see she tithed and believes in god. Those homeless kids deserve to be in the shadows!

VERY strong /s here...


crw201 t1_jdie192 wrote

Jesus "Holy Reaganomics" Christ.

Unfortunately I can see that sentiment being half believed by members of JRC. I used to go tl JRC and they always used to give sermons about the poor widow who came along and put in two small copper coins. The poor woman, as a widow, would have had no source of income after her husband's death. Therefore the two small copper coins were all she had - and yet she offered them to God. We were taught to give even if we had nothing.

We were also taught in the youth sermons that if we did nothing for God, not giving tithes or evangelicalizing and recruiting people to join the church that we would get nothing in heaven. We'd be homeless in heaven essentially lol.