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BetterMakeAnAccount t1_iujzf0p wrote

I care and I don’t even go to vape stores. Why would they not allow your phone in the building? Unless they’re hiding government secrets or have delicate equipment that’s an absolutely bizarre policy to have in 2022


TheFlyingMoth t1_iuk5a6h wrote

Why should it matter, it’s a private business they can do whatever they feel like. Just like Walmart can tell you to get out at any point or target can deny a return. It’s whatever policy’s they would like to use. Don’t like it don’t go there. Or go to one of the other 97 vape shops in town, hell might as well stop by a car wash on the way there.


BetterMakeAnAccount t1_iuk78lo wrote

But it’s a weird policy to have! Surely you can stop corporate bootlicking and derailing a guy’s thread long enough to wonder why they’d have such a weird policy right?