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EdBlake1986 t1_iuiu0gs wrote

Reply to comment by jgj570s in CU-Winter months by ReadLess4430

Normally yes but that also depends on the cost of natural gas being in a normal range, which it won't be this year.


jgj570s t1_iuiwncv wrote

You are right there! I put in a couple feet of insulation last spring, so hopefully that will help with my natural gas bill. CU does have pretty cheap electricity, but I bet it would still be cheaper to kick up the gas furnace. Of course, OP might have an electric furnace!

I’ve worked in renewable energy for over a decade and I’ve seen thousands of utility bills. The number one thing that you can do is weatherization and insulation. CPO can help w/ costs. After that, get a quote for Solar. If your credit score is above 650, you’ll qualify and reduce your bills by another 20 to 25% (until it’s paid off… And then it’s free).