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Meow_meow417 t1_irne2q6 wrote

Can you get them towed?


Aimless78 t1_irnvfj8 wrote

That would escalate the problems into a war. You don't screw with how a person makes money.


the_honeyman t1_irnwgq9 wrote

I'm sympathetic to OP's predicament, but I agree. I have no idea what the solution is, but having them towed potentially leads to loss of employment if they, for example, can't get the truck back out in time. Regardless of the way I'd feel about somebody parking a semi in front of my house, that has collateral damage.


MachineContent t1_irnedcu wrote

Would I have to foot the bill? And would they just take it without a cop? I’ve never had issue like this 😅


XzallionTheRed t1_irnvffh wrote

Almost all times a vehicle is towed its at the owners expense.