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A_Ron_Sacks t1_isxwb6n wrote

Lets expand on the "More" part. It helps big business lock in a monopoly on the market. It creates new felonies for possession, and puts further limits on home growing to push people to the despos go gain more revenue. I like some thigs about it, but I'll be voting no.


Arc-ansas t1_isy0139 wrote

Current felony cannabis limits in Missouri have anything over 35g (barely over an ounce) of up to 7 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. What we'll be voting on allows 21+ to possess up to 3 ounces with no penalties. SO now, it doesn't create a new felony. It lowers the penalties.

The amendment allows a minimum of 144 new business licenses (no maximum). There are already over 100 different cannabis entities in the state. So the idea that this will create a monopoly is silly.

By the way, the folks that are running this campaign are the same folks that passed the medical cannabis law in 2016.


phokas t1_it41z7n wrote

You are completely uninformed, but not surprised. There's always tons of misinformation from both sides anytime there's a ballot initiative.