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edward2020 t1_isy2nf0 wrote

So did I miss it, or does the article not address if SGF city water system is similarly contaminated?


GSPilot t1_isy95s9 wrote

I didn’t see any mention of it.

However, I think Sfield gets all it’s water from surface reservoirs.


McPhailure t1_isyokzs wrote

Theres a picture showing effected areas, northwest Springfield. Or west Kearney street up to fantastic Caverns.


edward2020 t1_isypwc8 wrote

I see a picture that says "Area of Detail," but it isn't clear to me from that or the article if any tests for TCE were conducted outside of that area.


McPhailure t1_isyqs7w wrote

I would assume they did because from the picture theres 4 dots in south west Springfield and 1 dot in north west Springfield. But you are right the article doesn't say anything and the area of detail blocks a lot of the picture.


Globalksp t1_isyoqul wrote


edward2020 t1_isyphp9 wrote

I did a quick look (ctrl+F) through that and it doesn't seem as though trichloroethylene (TCE) is listed as being monitored.


HeWhoIsFish t1_it0o4h7 wrote

TCE is regulated under the safe drinking water act so monitoring would be required. They are only required to report detected contaminants in annual reports. The implication being that it wasn’t detected.


edward2020 t1_it2906k wrote

Good to know. Wish they would report exactly what they test for though and give values (even if below allowed threshold or even 0).


HeWhoIsFish t1_it2cfzd wrote

I get what you mean. I will say however that all public drinking water sample data including contaminants that were sampled for but not detected is made available by the state DNR through their drinking water watch website if you are interested in digging further.


Globalksp t1_isyq1vv wrote

Ah... lovely.

We've always used CuZn Water Filters wherever we've lived and here is no different except that we'll eventually go for whole house filtration if/when the old pipes get updated.


STLPR t1_isyww00 wrote

Hi Edward! The story only addressed testing in private wells. - Lara, STLPR engagement editor