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ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_ite25vk wrote

If you're looking to branch out you'd be better off asking for good experiences.

Edit: So rather than talk about the good restaurants in Springfield, you would like to shit talk the bad?


Ticklism OP t1_iteerrw wrote

Yeah because why not? I'm sorry I put you into a state of frenzy. You going to give a recommendation or just cry ?


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_itef5kv wrote

I'd hardly call questioning your negativity a frenzy or crying. I enjoy your terrible attempt at an insult though.

You didn't ask for recommendations. You asked for stories of bad experiences. I'd rather talk up restaurants than pull them down.


Ticklism OP t1_itefd0c wrote

Looking this deep into a reddit post and yapping about how I'm being negative asking which restaurants I should avoid definitely sounds like crying to me. But thank you hold this L bozo


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_itefkgb wrote

What did I lose? But you've reached your name calling phase so you've got nothing of substance left to say. Enjoy your negative life thinking every interaction with someone is a win or lose situation.


Ticklism OP t1_itefw74 wrote

What level of substance do I need for this topic ? I'm talking about Chinese food and you are hurt that's how you lost its embarrassing for being this hurt over this post. Enjoy being a bozo


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_iteg2zn wrote

I asked what I lost. Not how I lost.


Ticklism OP t1_itegc3c wrote

You lost this interaction that's what. Have a good evening lil buddy 🥳🥳


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_itegezs wrote

lol, you're brilliant. I suspect life is gonna be hard for you.


Ticklism OP t1_itegt4k wrote

Awh is your life hard and shitty ? Must be tough. I'm enjoying life over here. Try it out sometime it's great lil buddy


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_iteh7yy wrote

My life is going great. I've got a date set up with your dad for tonight so it's gonna get even better.


Ticklism OP t1_itehon6 wrote

Finally losing your virginity 🙌 after all these long years I'm so proud of you


Ganrokh t1_ithlvwa wrote

Not OP, but my wife and I just moved into Springfield proper last year after spending most of our lives living in random suburbs between here and Joplin. We've tried a majority of the restaurants ever recommended here on this subreddit. We're also not picky eaters to the extent that we love a number of restaurants that never get mentioned here. A "what to avoid" thread is quite useful for us.

Besides, there's a new "what asian restaurants do you recommend" thread on this sub every other week. If someone wants recommendations, they're all over here. Seeing a thread go in the opposite direction is refreshing.