Submitted by VictoryTheScreech t3_ynfm3n in springfieldMO

Are there any local longboarders/skaters anywhere in this city? I know ya’ll are out there. I would really like to meet a good group of folks that skate. I’m still pretty new to it (3 months) and it would be nice to have folks to meet up with and skate around.



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AshPotatoYT t1_iv8r3vo wrote

I can roller skate and longboard, and if your in to ice skating i do that too.


mystonedalt t1_iv9yyjd wrote

Watch a bleach-blonde boy put his longboard down, help his girl get her sunscreen on.


kamiseizure t1_iva1290 wrote

There's a couple diy spots that the locals hit up, dm


WendyArmbuster t1_ivaolln wrote

I'm skating the far bowl (John's Bowl) at the skatepark at noon today. I'm 51, but I only started skating at skateparks when I was 47, so I'm still a pretty new skater. I'm always happy to help a new skater learn how to skate bowls. I teach high school wood shop, and I make my own decks. Here's a few I made. This one here is my best one so far. I longboarded for a few years before that, and I made a few of those too. Here's my first one and here's a more recent one.

Here's a trip I took to the Eureka Springs skate bowl which is an awesome little bowl in the woods.

Here's a trip my kids and I took to Montana to skate their moonscape style parks this last summer. It was awesome!

I'll bring a spare pool board to the park today in case you show up.


alisk8_exe t1_ivc3q4y wrote

i know a few tricks and i world love someone to skate with. dm me