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Cooldude588 t1_ivla84b wrote

When i went around 11am there was no line on at Darr Agricultural Center i really didn’t want to vote for Bush because she doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning i can deal with Schmidt but i voted for Bush for the hell of it, also i was unsure of what Amendment 4 was all about can anyone explain?


skucera t1_ivljtb1 wrote

Kansas City lowered funding for police earlier this year, the legislature threw a temper tantrum that they couldn’t force a city to spend more on policing, so now they’re trying to amend the state constitution to require KC to spend a full 25% of their budget on policing.


DnWeava t1_ivlutsw wrote

No we fucking didn't. We did not fucking cut police funding in KC. We actually fund our police way over the state minimum but our dumbass state government want to punish all of KC because a small group of leftists chanting defund the police in a video they saw on Fox news or some shit.


kamiela2010 t1_ivluo43 wrote

Spend 12.5% on the citizens and 12.5 on the police. May see better results


GirlieGirlRacing t1_ivmo2iu wrote

She’s at 65% and Eric at 33% give or take right now, but only 2% are reporting as of now.