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UnnamedCzech t1_ivmxoc7 wrote

Sidewalks in Springfield are merely there to check a box, not to be useful.

You can especially tell where the city’s priorities are when it snows. Roads are well cleared… but the sidewalks are piled high with the snow from the road. And then you see people in mobility scooters riding down the side of Glenstone with cars zooming by at 50mph. Pretty clear the city does not care about them.


CetiCeltic t1_ivoma2t wrote

I almost smoked someone in a mobility scooter the other day because they were sitting in the turning lane on Kearney at night. All black scooter, all black clothes. Wish we had better options for them and anyone else with mobility devices.


UnnamedCzech t1_ivouzt7 wrote

Yep. Unless you own a car in SPF, the city could not care less about you unfortunately.


MrZanzinger t1_ivp2e4l wrote

I've probably seen the same scooter in the turning lane. The thing that irks me is they finally fixed all the curbs so the sidewalks are handicap accessible.