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BetterMakeAnAccount t1_ivn6pm0 wrote

I know personally many people who escaped the state as soon as Roe was struck down. Also a lot of blue state Republicans migrated to MO when we got a reputation for ignoring Covid protocols. It’s only going to get redder, I’ve only stayed in this state so long because “oh I’ve got to help flip it blue” and it’s time to admit it’s a lost cause.


Note2thee t1_ivnni36 wrote

It’s not a lost cause; but their propaganda is working on you apparently. We used to be a bellweather; and I still believe we can and will be in the near future. Our main population centers are heavily democratic; and gerrymandered to hell at the state level. Busch was not a good candidate for the dems this go round. Find the uniter; remind Missourians that we aren’t followers of what’s happening on the East Coast, West Coast, or South Coast. That we care about our state and her people above the zeitgeist politik. It will happen sooner than you think. People are so tired of this shit.

With love, An Independent


GinWithJennifer t1_ivpfdvs wrote

I voted Nov 2nd and was upset about that so many Rs were running unopposed.

Ill be running for the unopposed house seat in 2024. I'm homeless and have nothing better to do than walk around telling people about me. If anyone knows what i need to do to get on the ballot please lmki don't expect to win. I don't feel like that's the point as much as being mad there's only one option. 1 choice is no choice.

Vote Jennifer next election.