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MinamotoYoritomo t1_iwgmoc0 wrote

I would be under the assumption that one of the Asian markets, either Seoul Oriental Market or Asian World Market would most likely have woks in stock. I however would not be able to tell you the quality of those said woks. Another option is Restaurant Marketplace off of West Grand.


Sup3rSmash t1_iwgnfaf wrote

Fellers on Grand has a nice selection of restaurant grade cooking equipment and they have a wok in there as big as a dining room table!


jackie_wiggiwoo t1_iwgpm3h wrote

Seoul has some, I’m not sure quality but they were $15 and up


lincoln3x7 t1_iwgpv6p wrote

The Asian market on glenstone next to Walmart near Bennett had a lot of them last time I was in. They look like the raw steel style and will need to be seasoned. I got a cheater style with a nonstick coating at Costco, it’s easy to cook with


helloporator t1_iwgpwiz wrote

The Asian World market on S Campbell has a lot of stuff !


xCaptx t1_iwgtnrs wrote

Whatever you get, spend some time looking on line on how to season them. Especially if you buy one today from a store more than likely it will have very little seasoning on it and you don't want your very first meal burnt to the bottom of it.

I love my wok, good luck


bradpmo t1_iwguqsu wrote

There’s a great wok YouTuber. Channel called wok with tak. When I started stir frying a year or so ago I used his info to select a wok. He highly recommended the stainless steel wok from Walmart. It takes some extra care, but he covers all that in his videos. I love my wok. It’s like $13. And I have to care for it, but it works great. Fixed a huge batch of fajitas in it last night.


phenixflyer t1_iwh2eyw wrote

Got mine at Seoul. 15 bucks, preseasoned. Been using it for 3 years with no issues.


Diemon-Dave t1_iwh4mr4 wrote

Any corner cashew chicken place. In other words, on every corner.


karmabumb t1_iwhv3um wrote

Chin Family Grocery on Sunshine and Glenstone, next to Cook's Appliance. Proper carbon steel, good design, think Williams Sonoma. Much better quality than anything at Asian World or Seoul. And yes, spend some time seasoning it.


jimmycrackcornmfs t1_iwjlpyq wrote

Sometimes TJ Maxx has carbon steel woks, wood handle. They season up nice and are a fraction of the price.