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ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_ixa1rnw wrote

>See, they say this,

Say what?

From what I've read healthy middle aged adults will most likely only show cold like symptoms with RSV.


CetiCeltic t1_ixa8b4q wrote

"Encouraging people to work together to prevent the spread of RSV covid etc"

If they're not even testing childcare workers who come in for RSV how is that helping prevent the spread?

Also, specifically in my case, I am very much not healthy and fairly high risk. As before mentioned, I've been sick for over a month now. And when I came in I was extremely sick, so much so that the doc highly suspected COVID, and when it came back negative he said I have some "unknown virus" that "everyone is getting right now." When I told him I worked with children and I wanted to be tested for RSV he told me "Adults don't get RSV."


Wrinklestiltskin t1_ixcvqe5 wrote

RSV in adults

I'm an unfortunate case in which I've been sick for a week now, with such bad chest congestion I can hardly sleep and sometimes I feel like I've got COPD with how little oxygen I get at times. I'm finally breaking up the chest congestion, but I've been closely watching for pneumonia.

I don't normally get sick, and I've got a great immune system. But this RSV has absolutely kicked my ass.... I read an article recently talking about how RSV is infecting more adults than usual this year, with higher likelihood of more severe symptoms than in the past.

RSV may not be as concerning for adults, but I certainly don't recommend it...