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fphillips93 t1_ixa8sey wrote

GO TO COX!!!!!! Mercy is TERRIBLE.

Cox doesn’t feel like a prison. Mercy does. Cox has the doctors that listen to the patient and care. Mercy pushes their wants on you.

My wife and I JUST went through this in September. Had a Mercy OB the whoooooooole pregnancy and the OB and the hospital turned out to be Catholic Nazis “if you do not do what we say, we will do it anyways.” They stuck my wife 23 times trying to find a spot to put her spinal block in, after she told them after the 3rd stick to stop. They wouldn’t stop. I told them to go find someone more competent to do their job, and they went and got another guy who also couldn’t do the spinal block. He tried another 5 needles, for a total of 28 needles. They had her in the back operating room for over 2 hours, forcing her to continue to be stuck with needles. She was having a panic attack because they kept trying to force her to go under general anesthesia. They FINALLY let her go after she started screaming she wanted to see our daughter, who is 2 and was waiting in the delivery room for her. She came back, couldn’t breathe well, her BP was up, she was overwhelmed.
The OBGYN was Charles Albritton. He’s a shitty, egotistical OB and should have his license pulled. The anesthesiologist was Quico (we call him Quacko because he “does 2000 of these a year” but couldn’t get it after 23 needles).

For the love of your child, GO TO COX. Mercy does NOT give a rat’s ass about you and your child. Mercy is not family-oriented. Cox also didn’t give us a pacifier as soon as the baby was born like Mercy did. (We had our daughter at Mercy in Jan 2020, our son at Cox Sept 2022). Cox was willing to do whatever my wife wanted. She went in the ER in active labor at 41 weeks, 5 days. Cox was fast. We went in at 1PM and our son was pulled from my wife’s womb by 9:07PM. We even had to wait for the OB on staff to do an emergency surgery for twins. My wife was in active labor at Mercy in 2020 for 22 hours and Albritton almost killed my wife and daughter. She had an emergency C section with our daughter because Albritton fucked up.