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Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixrs2i4 wrote

Well isn't it Brad lmaooo one of the admins of the group himself, of fuckin course you'd defend your cesspool of a group.


Brad-Calbert t1_ixruyo5 wrote

Defending? No

Setting the record straight, yes.

It’s been over a month, and you’re still playing victim. I’m cool with that, just tell the truth.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixrveof wrote

What record? That you're a shitty person who made a page based on bullying people around town? Get a life.


Accomplished_Lie576 t1_ixslhsf wrote

The one where you messaged the friends of people that didn't agree with you.


Brad-Calbert t1_ixrw1zi wrote

That was never the “basis” for the group. Individual personalities are going to be individual personalities. I have no control over people’s proclivities or opinions. It’s really weird that you don’t act like you grasp that concept.

No one ever asked you to join, and certainly no one asked you to stay. Those were choices YOU made as a free citizen. You yourself spent hours being vapid, ugly, and shit talking different members there, until some of those people pushed back and you played mega victim…..and here you are.

Those are facts.
