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lunadawnn t1_iy4q6l7 wrote

Dr. Sethi at the clinic on Kearney. She always has time for my questions and concerns, we dealt with the biggest issue first and continued from there. She's about 2 months out on appointments but her NP is very good if I need to be seen now.


ProgressMom68 t1_iya1wxt wrote

Soooo…Dr. Middleton at Smith-Glynn is great BUT if you have any chronic issues like diabetes you’ll want to see a specialist. TBH, family doctors aren’t much good for anything except treating colds.


iced-macchiato t1_iy5oihf wrote

Dr. Amanda Vester at Mercy Family Scenic


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_iy5rv8g wrote

Nishua Bendt on Republic Rd. My husband and I both go to her, she’s been great about addressing our concerns and listening to us.


slk1722 t1_iy9b823 wrote

Have you tried looking into Eustasis? They’ve been a lifesaver for me, personally.


mightymeltar t1_iy9stds wrote

Back when I had Mercy insurance, Dr. Marcia Graham was amazing. I only have nice things to say about her.