
ProgressMom68 t1_jddq97q wrote

Sadly, yes, you are naive. I’ve lived here for 16 years and I’ve learned a few things about trying to organize in this city.

First, the liberal/progressive community is tiny and full of cliques and infighting.

Second, the Chamber of Commerce owns the City Council. You will never be able to get them to do anything for anyone except businesses. I’m serious. The CoC hand picks and funds the majority of candidates.

Third, there is a ton of duplication of effort in organizing. Everyone has their own project and a lot of times people are working at cross-purposes.

Fourth, you run a high chance of being slandered, fired, having your property vandalized, experiencing harassment, etc., if you piss off the wrong people and you have to be ready for that.

I wish it was different but that’s the way it is. The only hope for this city is massive demographic change but that kind of thing takes a long time. I noped out of community organizing a year ago. I still help with some small projects but I learned my lesson about trying to make change in this town a long time ago.


ProgressMom68 t1_jcfxbvm wrote

You can if your property taxes fund the schools. Personally, I have no problem with this. The socialization will be good for the kids, who are sometimes heavily indoctrinated by Christian homeschool curriculum. It would be a benefit for them to meet other kids and be exposed to different points of view.


ProgressMom68 t1_j9wuixm wrote

So…what did Mohammedkhani actually say? I find it odd that the article kind of dances around what it is she did. I don’t doubt it was viciously racist, because look who we’re talking about. But I’d like to know what she actually said and did. It sounds like she called Ms. Rover a liar. Also, what was she doing there? Why did she choose that specific breakout session? Somehow she’s decided it’s her job to police everything having to do with diversity, equity, and inclusion in Springfield?


ProgressMom68 t1_j560d5l wrote

Municipalities across North America are trying to figure out how to remove the highways that run through their urban cores. It would be totally on-brand for Springfield to adopt a failed city planning strategy.


ProgressMom68 t1_j44nmil wrote

You’re talking about thousands of dogs, the majority of which are people’s pets. Are you really suggesting that all pits and pit mixes be taken from their owners, rounded up and…what? What exactly are you suggesting be done with them?

I agree it’s a problem, but a ban doesn’t seem like an effective solution.