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mightymeltar t1_iymu05z wrote

I haven't heard anything bad about our tap water? What have you heard?


teenage-mutant-swan t1_iyuo8jy wrote

When I lived in Springfield the tap water in my apartment would sometimes run cloudy or even brown for a few seconds when I turned it on. I assumed it was just the apartment’s plumbing but idk. Seminole apartments owned by Wooten btw. Never bought a water purifier so fast in my life


fentown OP t1_iymvu8j wrote

I've traveled for work this year a lot and I've got a friend that told me the water was bad so I took their word for it. Also it might be the Airbnb I'm staying at.


KTfl1 t1_iymwga6 wrote

Always smart to drink bottled water while on vacation. Having plenty of water available keeps you going and reduces the pop drinking and overeating.