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t1_iz40h16 wrote

Amazon FC Warehouse in Republic, MO


t1_iz7r2q3 wrote

How do we apply? Everytime I try Amazon's hiring website it always says no jobs. But we have a delivery place up near Strafford and the DC in republic.


t1_iz7vzki wrote

The FC in Republic might not be hiring until after the Christmas season. It’s hard for a place to train new employees when it’s a literal clusterfuck there rn 😂


t1_iz88tod wrote

I hear people quit because it's that type of factory work that burns people out but Amazon is one of very few companies that cover an array of transgender surgeries (many of which exceed 10s of thousands of dollars) and after I finish college I'm going to go work at Amazon to get my surgeries. And because of hard these surgeries are for poor people like me to get and so detrimental to my mental health I'll literally work until every bone in my body is broke and my eyes pop out of my skull and explode into confetti. I'll straight up fight the unionist and kiss Bezos shiny gold plated metal ass if that's what it takes. I'll literally do anything.

And then after I have my surgeries done and a lot money saved up I'll leave. But until then I'll work 23.75 hours a fucking day. I've met or known a trans person or two that squandered the gift of Amazon employment because they just didn't like the job. Not me dude I fucking need this 😤😩😭


t1_iz8b1nl wrote

If you move into problem solve roles or move up, it’s not as monotonous. Otherwise, it is factory work and it can drive you a little crazy sometimes considering Amazon doesn’t even allow just one AirPod in to listen to music. It’s literal torture sometimes without any music or podcasts, but they do have good benefits and the work is easy. I’d try applying after the holiday season for sure. Good luck with everything!


t1_izaazr6 wrote

I'm an extraordinarily asocial person that seeks solitary and "monotonous" work. I find tedium to be comfortable and recognizable. Work is the last place I want or need excitement or stress.

I think it's just a matter of preference tbh. I usually seek solitary jobs and my employment is 2/3 night shift. I don't want to have 3 or 4 managers breathing down my neck or the excessive amounts of middle management that comes along with day shifts. I don't think businesses do either for most roles.

I'm kind of a weird person I guess and prefer to entertain myself myself entertaining other people