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t1_izdcne6 wrote

But when can we actually walk in a store and buy it?


OP t1_izdd27y wrote

sometime in February.


t1_izfl0d4 wrote

What are the rules for visitors/non residents?


OP t1_izfntxl wrote

All adults age 21 and older, regardless of where they're from, will be able to purchase and enjoy recreational marijuana. It's pretty similar to purchasing alcohol.


t1_izelook wrote

Get your med card and there is no wait. 100 bucks everyone is approved .


t1_izg4cr0 wrote

I'd just add that if someone is paying upwards of $100 for a med card, without going for a cultivator's license, they are being ripped off. There are plenty of legit doctors and clinics who will sign off on your medical necessity for cannabis for a much lower cost. I've only paid a bit over $50 and that is for my Dr's consult AND the MO MMP card.


t1_izgmknx wrote

Meh it took 2 minutes online. I'll pay for the convenience. And I have no i terest in growing.


t1_izgwx0t wrote

I get that and if you have the $$, cool. I'm just relaying that it also took me about 2-3 minutes, I did mine online, and it wasn't $100. Not arguing, just providing another perspective/personal experience...