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Renn_1996 t1_izf2zij wrote

Im not mad I just think you are crying wolf when the answer is obvious if you do a bit of critical thinking. Once again the local grow ops have been getting ready for this change for a while. As I said they are only operating at 1/4-1/2 % and I'm sure the second the amendment got announced they started producing more. We are not the first state to go through this and there is a clear path most grow ops take when legal changes like this happen. Most of the dispensaries you can go to are owned and run by people who helped make the amendment and legalize it in MO. SoOMEoNe is BIg DUmB For sOMe ReaSOn


ItsSirTone t1_izf3ryf wrote

Again, I don't see why you're so sensitive when people give opinion lol. Yeah saying the same thing twice definitely changes something. Thinking about inventory is a viable thing to worry about when there will definitely be people who buy just because they can now, nor solely for helping medically. Thus worrying about stock is normal. You gotta lighten up.


Renn_1996 t1_izf5dt7 wrote

I stated the same thing twice because you clearly ignored the pertinent part of my comment and for some reason took my original comment as a personal offense. You are acting like all the sudden there will be no stock. Ppl with out med licenses can't even buy anything until February( which you spread misinformation about in a different comment) I simply answered your concern, you seem to enjoy staying negative about this so have fun, maybe smoke a joint and chill before they're all gone 🤣


ItsSirTone t1_izg70bv wrote

You really have it twisted lol all I said was I'd be pissed if stock runs low, not totally run out, which can happen. You're putting words in my mouth I never said. I'm not spreading misinformation giving an opinion at all. You should stop getting worked up over reddit no one cares like that. My other comment? Literally was me asking questions and speculating. You're ineffectual. Stop trying to make everything a fight, it's sad.