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patricknett t1_izx6bz6 wrote

I used to beatbox in my younger days. One of my old best friends that I played video games with is a WELL KNOWN beat boxer, it blows my mind to this day how big he is. His name is Kenny Urban. We use to jam out with a guy named Smvy as well as Roxorloops on ventrilo all the time. Iā€™m not very good anymore tho, Iā€™d need a beer or 2 to beatbox in front of anyone again šŸ˜…


AwkwardxKraken OP t1_izx6q6x wrote

Right on, ik who he is bc I'm a bbx nerd lol. Also just saw him in a livestream chat couple days ago; some battle entries were getting judged.You should totally dip back into the scene, bro. Some crazy stuff out there :)