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Mountain_Homie t1_j0ve1cb wrote

I've said this so many times before, but I say it again. I've lived in several big cities and a few small towns. Springfield, MO has the worst drivers by far of anywhere I've lived. I think it's because of the small town driving mind set with a larger population traffic count.


MacAttack2015 t1_j0w7717 wrote

I moved here from Chicago and the drivers here are so much worse than there. Especially when it comes to respecting bike/ped infrastructure. Folks here don't seem to give a rat's ass about you if you travel outside of a personal vehicle, and even then drivers are constantly on their cell phones putting other drivers in danger. It's horrible.


Anima_EB t1_j0vordi wrote

Absolutely. We just moved back from STL. That area can be bad but springfield is shockingly bad.


Quirky_Employment684 t1_j0wqs9x wrote

Grew up on the west coast, lived on the east coast for quite a while and have now lived here going on five years, and every time I think I've seen the extent of how bad people can drive, I am proven wrong.

This area consistently has the worst drivers I have ever encountered.


GimmeAMalt t1_j0xnnwv wrote

You dead on nailed it. Grew up visiting my grandparents in Springfield as a kid in the 80’s and 90’s and also lived there from 2001-2006 while attending college. To this day I still talk about how it’s the worst driving I’ve ever seen. I have a few friends that still live there that say it has not improved at all in the 16 years since I moved. But yeah, I use to always preach the same theory as you as to why it’s so bad.