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Ogtrot OP t1_j11y8ei wrote

Yes thank you. All have been scary. Kearney by walmart (before it was cleared) was v scary.


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_j152lyd wrote

I would conceal carry if I were you honestly. You don't need a license, Missouri is a constitutional carry state. Aside from that and just suggesting that you be safe, hopes and prayers that you find your brother. If my brother went missing I'd raise hell itself up until I found him.


Ogtrot OP t1_j153010 wrote

I do. Didn't before, do now. First scary camp changed my mind.


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_j15mo0r wrote

Good to hear. Hope and pray you never have to use it. Preparation is key tho. Violence doesn't give warnings ahead of time