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Kosherporkchops t1_j1bj50g wrote

65 down to south st Ozark was dry tonight I would think it would be fine farther south


beerme72 t1_j1bkzzm wrote

Consider that the ground wasn't froze prior to the snow and that as soon as the wind stops blowing strong the temps are going to go up, I thin the snow melts wherever it is.
When the Sun comes up it will only speed up the process (as it does here in The Ozarks)
I see a Christmas with White only in the Northern Shadows of the Northern counties.

But watch those turn Hollers down there....I bet they stay frosty a good while.


scoop_booty t1_j1blc96 wrote

The hwy dept does a pretty good job keeping 65 open. I'm sure a call to the mo hwy patrol would give you a pretty good answer. Although, it's in their best interest to advise everyone to stay home. The bigger question would be the side roads, not knowing what is happening weather wise down there.


Mizzoutiger79 t1_j1bn3ll wrote

Go to modot website or app and click on cameras. Cameras are real time.


Electronic_Cook5406 t1_j1bpwol wrote

shit the plows have been scraping so much concrete as is i'd be surprised if it weren't


Notchersfireroad t1_j1bqlq4 wrote

Watching Doppler earlier it looked like Branson and south didn't get nearly the snowfall we did. I would imagine it's good to go.


RottonMayonaise t1_j1bqtqd wrote

It's pretty dry by Omaha. Don't believe you'll have any issues.


BusyAdvertising6468 t1_j1e87l6 wrote

Dude is just looking for an excuse not to go. The roads are 100% fine. You guys aren't helping. Haha