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texsurfin t1_j3um61a wrote

Hate to be gross or insensitive but isn't that the whole issue with Trans using their preferred gendered restroom? Honest question.


honeyliz03 t1_j3und1l wrote

get what you mean but there's a huge difference between trans folks doing their biz and leaving their gendered bathroom...and an asst principal going into the bathroom where young girls are with no intention of doing bathroom stuff.


turbulance4 t1_j3unwp1 wrote

Why do you assume this has anything to do with trans issues?


Live-Associate-2911 t1_j3uoyoz wrote

Hate to be a dick or judgmental but I don't. You need a lot of attention to get by in life, right? HONEST QUESTION


FriendshipIntrepid91 t1_j3vufv5 wrote

Based on the page it's posted on, he might identify as a cat and need to use the litter box.
