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throwawayyyycuk t1_j3xqu7d wrote

Really nice beautiful day out = cops trying to make it a bad day for some rando


ThumYorky t1_j3zy41z wrote

Idk, a bike cop sitting out in the open checking for speeders doesn’t sound very nefarious to me. You know how fucking fast people go down national right there?


QueenTeal t1_j41itme wrote

People speed everywhere around here. Glenstone is terrible.


throwawayyyycuk t1_j427llm wrote

People go fast everywhere man, and giving people tickets isn’t lowering the amount of traffic deaths we have anytime soon


Snekathan t1_j3xsp7x wrote

Yep. Anytime it’s nice outside I know to look out for those pesky fuckers lol


KlounceTheKid t1_j3zgy5x wrote

Better than us having to do death notifications and explain to your family why you aren’t coming home. I’ve been on both sides and it sucks. 🤷🏾‍♂️


IronSolace t1_j3xulqb wrote

To be honest I live on National between Bennet and Sunshine, there are constant accidents from people speeding around slower cars. The worst is when people fly across National at the Portland intersection causing a t-bone accident. Lived here 4 years and seen about a handful of those exact accidents. Thanks for letting us know though lol


RockemChalkemRobot t1_j3z0ccl wrote

The Can Opener trestle on Grant has claimed as many, if not more, victims. It's a stationary object ffs. Your stat is better than I'd expect.


shellybug21 t1_j3xhwxv wrote

Not today but that happened to me too. I now know to go exactly 35 through that area. Had never been pulled over before but that was my first speeding ticket


Cold417 t1_j3xu7va wrote

Don't speed, won't be no worries.


name-isnt-important t1_j3xx12n wrote

Can confirm. Drove to pulled over. Drove back down Chipotle… car pulled over on other side of street.


DebbieDunnbbar t1_j3zyk0r wrote

I’m all for more traffic enforcement. I’ve dealt with way too many dead drivers. But being as I don’t drive that stretch much, is that really some hotspot for fatality accidents?

I’d much rather see them dealing with all the tailgaters and general psychos on 65 and 60 during rush hour.


sgf-guy t1_j401ryh wrote

I’m a proud graduate of the city motorcycle cop speeding ticket court diversion program…I was a speeder but just stopped after being on diversion for 6 months.

The city needs a new model…one motorcycle cop for speed rarely addresses deeper issues. A team of two, such as running the light at chestnut and Kansas would pay out…but a 3 person team of one observer and two downstream cops…one on a pullover and the other waiting would address a lot of more technical issues in traffic.

Speed is not always the biggest issue. There are a ton of other unsafe actions.


mysickfix t1_j3x91yf wrote

Police actually doing their jobs?!?!?! Shocked.


kirknay t1_j3xjqlb wrote

They've got better things to do than extract more money from people just going a couple mph faster on a busy roadway.

Like solving violent crimes that happen enough to make us the 0 percentile of unsafe cities


Cold417 t1_j3xuimi wrote

I'm pretty sure the guys running radar aren't the ones responsible for that.


KlounceTheKid t1_j3zh8xf wrote

I don’t know why you got downvoted, you’re correct 😂 the traffic cops don’t handle calls for service not traffic related


Cold417 t1_j3zi69r wrote

Right. I didn't even bring up the death count from traffic incidents being on par with the crimes they say need more officer attention.


kirknay t1_j3xx7r5 wrote

They get the radar when they go on speed trapping duty. It's one job of many they could get that day.