Submitted by user10085 t3_10of8cp in springfieldMO
Always_0421 t1_j6elkci wrote
[deleted] t1_j6eq8eq wrote
randomname10131013 t1_j6ereug wrote
Are you Christian?
[deleted] t1_j6es6mz wrote
WendyArmbuster t1_j6esziq wrote
I saw one of my recently former students with a sign on 44 and Kansas, and I asked some of my current students about it. They said they used to work with him at Taco Bell, but they saw him walking past the store when he was scheduled to work and so they fired him. He was completely capable of working, he just didn't want to.
GazelleShoddy4374 t1_j6eucv7 wrote
I have not seen any Christians open up their personal homes to the homeless around here. Or even let them camp in their yards to help in that Christian way.
randomname10131013 t1_j6ex3vx wrote
I wish it were so simple. This isn't about panhandling anyway...This is about sleeping. Does your nephew sleep outside?
randomname10131013 t1_j6ex5ec wrote
Does your student sleep outside?
[deleted] t1_j6exz1j wrote
randomname10131013 t1_j6eymy4 wrote
You must be one of those, 'God helps those who help themselves' kind of Christians, not the Jesus kind. 🦾🤷🏻♂️🤯
[deleted] t1_j6eyvrh wrote
randomname10131013 t1_j6ez01i wrote
Matthew 25:34-36 Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’
randomname10131013 t1_j6ez9eu wrote
You're right. Jesus was an idiot.
-Valued_Customer- t1_j6f2lyu wrote
Can you answer the question?
[deleted] t1_j6f2y6s wrote
-Valued_Customer- t1_j6f380s wrote
That sounds like chudspeak for “I call myself a Christian for identity points but I don’t actually practice.”
[deleted] t1_j6f399t wrote
[deleted] t1_j6f3j9y wrote
-Valued_Customer- t1_j6f43lh wrote
We can agree on that much.
Well, most Americans who voice your perspective do consider themselves Christians in what is surely the most ironic irony that ever ironied.
[deleted] t1_j6f4bj9 wrote
-Valued_Customer- t1_j6f4gff wrote
I do too, but I don’t see how that’s related to helping people.
[deleted] t1_j6f4vno wrote
WendyArmbuster t1_j6f51ff wrote
Last I heard he was living with his girlfriend, who he knocked up. Not all who panhandle are homeless. Not all homeless panhandle. He is absolutely at risk of being homeless though, because of his choices, and that's the point I'm making here. I support the opposite of this law that bans camping on government property, and I wish we could build areas that are safe and have resources for camping for the homeless. Not as a solution to homelessness, but as a small part of a multi-layered approach that addresses the issue holistically, from treating drug abuse and mental illness, to the housing shortage, and to the lack of available resources for those who don't have the executive function that many of us enjoy.
I can oppose this law, and still expect and encourage people to make the best decisions they're capable of.
Benway23 t1_j6f5imq wrote
Regardless of your religion I think you are a wretch.
[deleted] t1_j6f69ga wrote
Benway23 t1_j6f6jbg wrote
And you demonstrate wretchedness so very well...
[deleted] t1_j6f6o6u wrote
-Valued_Customer- t1_j6f6pg0 wrote
See, I believe in not judging a person by their residential status. I’ve never stolen a thing in my life—not even as a kid. And yet I’ve been homeless. It sucks. I’m grateful that not everyone was stingy with their charitableness. I always refused it because I’m too proud for my own good, but just being offered was enough to put a smile on my face for the day.
You don’t know what wars someone is fighting that you can’t even see. We can show kindness and solidarity to people who may be ready to give up, or we can hold our possessions ever-tighter and close ourselves off to the world.
Benway23 t1_j6f6uoz wrote
I am sure...
[deleted] t1_j6f73l7 wrote
randomname10131013 t1_j6f7xwt wrote
Mark 10:21-22 Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’ When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.
-Valued_Customer- t1_j6f835t wrote
I’m not homeless now because I had a support network, a surfeit of interpersonal charisma, and smarts. None of these were the product of my own efforts. Not everyone has those advantages, and very few indeed possess all three.
hystericallymad t1_j6f93sb wrote
I hope you never experience these misfortunes. You have clearly displayed your lack of compassion so I hope you are never in a place where that compassion might be the only thing saving your life.
Jalene74 t1_j6fgvzh wrote
The state parks allow you to camp on there land but now you have to register and they have gates on park camping grounds as well.
[deleted] t1_j6fztui wrote
SweetSewerRat t1_j6g1n6r wrote
This isn't the way to do that though. We're at a point right now where people are living on a thinner margin than ever, and we don't have much of a safety net as a society. Once you get behind financially (through bad decisions or through no fault of your own) it has a way of snowballing. No matter how you find yourself in bad shape financially, I think you're at bare fucking minimum entitled to not being criminalized.
Right now the average American has little to no savings, and no assets to quickly sell. No options for a cash infusion to stay afloat, they fall homeless.
Making it illegal to be homeless is addressing the wrong part of that process.
[deleted] t1_j6g22zp wrote
StinkyDeerback t1_j6g4cod wrote
So, he isn't one affected by this law. Why are you even commenting?
SweetSewerRat t1_j6g4jzn wrote
You do realize that I have a job, work full time, have very low expenses, and am still left with very little savings? Good luck getting a job without a mailing address as well. Many homeless people do not have ID, theft/loss of items is a very common problem. This is a barrier to employment. Getting clean clothes? Barrier to employment. Showering regularly? Barrier to employment. The incredibly high likelihood of being arrested simply for being homeless? Well you tend to get fired for a no call/no show, so barrier to employment.
And I guess fuck the mentally ill ones? There are shelters, but there's not nearly enough resources to deal with the homeless problem in large cities that way. They simply are not well funded enough, lack volunteers, and are a band aid fix for a systemic issue.
How does arresting people for sleeping on the sidewalk do anything to combat the core reasons for homelessness? It doesn't. They go and do convict labor for a little bit, make money for the jail system and the cycle repeats.
Talk to homeless people if you can, and figure out their story. Yeah, a lot of them are addicts, but sleeping on the street for a few years will do that to you. Don't judge them so harshly, you are far closer to that end of the spectrum than the other.
[deleted] t1_j6g5vop wrote
[deleted] t1_j6gfasg wrote
CraziestPenguin t1_j6gff0y wrote
This definitely doesn’t cover all of them but this really is a hustle for a lot of people. And it’s why I don’t give homeless people money.
redbullreddy t1_j6gfklu wrote
Religion is a political tool!
bobone77 t1_j6gyjlu wrote
Most? I haven’t seen one that doesn’t.
the_honeyman t1_j6jcmld wrote
And you can only camp for 14 consecutive days.
randomname10131013 t1_j6eccxi wrote
And the Republicans that control MO government call themselves Christians (most of them anyway). What a joke.